DRN Tile&Stone is the export brand of Duran Family, which has been serving in the concrete elements industry for 40 years.
Commercial activities, which started with the sale of construction materials in Ankara in the mid-1980s, industrialized with the transition of the founding generation of the family to the production of concrete elements.
This industrialization process, which started with a paving stone production capacity of 100 m2/day, accelerated with the second generation taking over the management in 2000 and the accompanying breakthroughs.
With the process of moving to the 150,000 m2 Çubuk Factory area, which paved the way for the establishment of facilities in production, and the opening of the 2nd and 3rd paving stone facilities, where the latest machines of German technology are used, and the tile production facility in 2015, the company has changed and developed its production and service capacity in different areas in the construction industry. has increased it regularly over the years, in line with the demands and expectations of its customers.
With the investments completed in 2023, Duranoğulları Concrete Elements has reached a total production capacity of 15,000 m2/day in 5 production facilities, 3 of which are paving stones and 2 of which are tiles, established on a 20,000 m2 closed area, and with its truck fleet of 25 vehicles and automatic loading-unloading crane system. It has turned into an integrated structure that provides delivery logistics services.
Duranoğulları Beton Elemanları, known in Turkey with the Durantaş brand, offers its design, production and application experience in tile and paving stone to the sector in the global market under the DRN Tile&Stone brand, with its facilities that have one of the most important production capacities in the country and are constantly improved with the investments made.
Our dream is to be known as a brand that “Turns Stone into Art” and can produce designs that make a difference in every area and place where stone is used, whether interior or exterior.
In order to realize this dream, we aim to be a preferred solution partner for all companies serving in the construction sector, both in Turkey and in the global market, by constantly improving our business and management processes.
If you are looking for a solution partner like us and we haven’t met yet, we are as close as the form below.
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2024 © DRN Tile & Stone